Wien: +43 1 513 44 34 Bad Vöslau: +43 2252 251251-0
Your specialist in:

Mag. Wolfgang Herzer has a great deal of interest and a high level of understanding of important matters when dealing with cases involving a technical aspect. In addition to his work with insolvency law, he has worked for many years on a self-employed basis to provide advice to companies in the automotive and construction industries. The experience gained from this considerably reduces the amount of technical and legal preparation required for establishing the relevant facts of the case, and opens up a line of communication which is both important and efficient for clients, or a corresponding confrontation, with expert witnesses.

  • 2010 Solicitor at Koroschetz Lang Herzer Rechtsanwälte
  • 2007 Managing Director and Partner of Brand Lang Wiederkehr Rechtsanwälte GmbH
  • 2007 Admission to the list of insolvency practitioners, since then regular appointments as insolvency practitioners for the Commercial Court of Vienna and the Regional Court of Korneuburg
  • 2007 Licence to practice in Austria
  • 2003 – 2007 Trainee solicitor at Brand Lang Rechtsanwälte OEG
  • Degree at the University of Vienna
  • Summer school at Dickinson School of Law, Pennsylvania
  • Legal work placement at the Commercial Court of Vienna, insolvency department and at the District Court of Klosterneuburg and at the Regional Court for Criminal Matters of Vienna
  • Work placement at the Court of Auditors of Vienna
  • Licence to practice in Austria


Mag. Wolfgang Herzer


Krugerstraße 13
1010 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 513 44 34
Fax: +43 1 513 44 34 44


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